This probably wasn't the big catch they expected to have on this trip.

A fishing group that floated out onto a lake in Mississippi recently ended up nabbing boatloads of dogs instead of catfish.

Fishing Trip For The Dogs

Bob Grist of Jonesboro, Arkansas and Brad Carlisle of Covington, Tennessee had all of the pertinent details planned and ready to go for their fishing trip to Grenada Lake. Grist would meet Carlisle in Memphis and the two would continue the trip to Mississippi together to meet up with local fishing guide Jordan Chrestman.

The duo had only been to the lake a couple times. Chrestman's guidance would be key to having a successful and enjoyable fishing trip.

But the local guide took his guests in a much different direction when he noticed a group of dogs that had drifted out into the middle of the lake.

Map of Grenada Lake Mississippi
Google Maps

"Being visitors to the lake only a few times, Brad Carlisle and myself would not have known something was wrong not knowing what is normal," Gist said. "Jordan had the presence of mind and nerve to turn to his paying customers and say, 'if you guys don't mind, we need to go check on those dogs as they are out really far.'"

As the boat got closer, it was apparent there were many more dogs than the fishing crew initially thought. By the time they made it to the hounds they found 38 of them trying to stay afloat.

What happened next turned Chrestman into a "hero" according to Gist.

Rescuing The Dogs From The Lake

With no one else around, it would be up to the fishermen to safely move the dogs from the lake and back to land.

According to Action 5 News in Memphis, Chrestman pulled the boat up to each dog. Gist and Carlisle worked to move the dogs one-by-one into the boat until there was no more room.

Photo provided by Bob Gist
Photo provided by Bob Gist

It would take three trips back to shore to get all 38 hound dogs to safety. It was later discovered the dogs were part of a fox hunt that had chased after a deer that had also went into the lake.

READ MORE: Why Do Dogs Spin In Circles Before Pooping? Magnetic Fields

Thankfully for them, the fishing crew led by Chrestman was there as well.

"Without him, there would have been 38 dogs drown that day as we would not have known to go save them," Gist said about the local fishing guide. "We were certainly there and pulled dog after dog out of the water, but he is the proverbial 'The Man.'"

States with the most registered hunters

Stacker analyzed data from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to determine which states have the most registered hunters. Read on to see how your state ranks on Stacker’s list.

Gallery Credit: Meagan Drillinger

LOOK: Here are the pets banned in each state

Because the regulation of exotic animals is left to states, some organizations, including The Humane Society of the United States, advocate for federal, standardized legislation that would ban owning large cats, bears, primates, and large poisonous snakes as pets.

Read on to see which pets are banned in your home state, as well as across the nation.

Gallery Credit: Elena Kadvany

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