Equifax Could Owe You Money, And You Could Get $125 By Filing A Quick Claim
There's a good chance Equifax owes you money from their massive data breach back in 2017.
Hundreds of millions of Americans' Social Security numbers and other sensitive data was exposed in a massive breach. Earlier this week Equifax settled with the Federal Trade Commission to the tune of $700 MILLION DOLLARS.
Of that $700 million, $380 million has been set aside for a consumer restitution fund which was part of a class action lawsuit. Well, the FTC posted the claim website and you can get $125 by going to a website and filing a quick claim.
While $125 seems kind of low to me for those who were affected by the breach, if I have money coming to me, I'm not going to refuse it.
How do I know if I was affected you might ask? Simply go to their website (thankfully it's not run by Equifax) and there you can easily check you eligibility and/or file a claim. I just checked mine and they said, "Our records indicate your personal information was not impacted by this incident" and while I relieved that my info didn't get released, I'm also kinda bummed I don't get $125.
Read more at The Verge.