I came down with a severe cold late last week.  All the good stuff: Constant runny nose, itchy red eyes, mucus the color of Gumby.  I had to use so much Kleenex on my nose that I’m now sporting a dry, flaky irritated look around my nostrils – probably what Tony Montana of Scarface looked like after a coke bender.  My eyes haven’t been that red since my college dorm room days.  So this is how I felt starting this past weekend.

As the weekend rolled along, it only got worse.  Sunday was filled with multiple snow shoveling sessions.  I know the local street departments are just doing their jobs, but don’t you love it when they come by your street and create that 6-foot wall of packed-in snow at the end of your driveway?  My cold was improving by Sunday evening, but now I had a sore back to contend with.  Apparently I had used poor snow shoveling posture.  To cap off the weekend from hell, I had to watch that douche Tom Brady win another Super Bowl.

Hey Spring, I’m ready for ya.

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