The 2017 Cedar Rapids Beer Summit is just 2 days away! The party is this Saturday, March 11th, at the Doubletree Convention Complex in Cedar Rapids.

If you want to save $10 on your tickets, buy them this week! Like any big show, the cost of admission goes up on the day of the event. It's ten bucks more if you wait till Saturday......So, now is the time to make your Cedar Rapids Beer Summit ticket purchase. It's so easy, just head on over to the Cedar Rapids Beer Summit website and get hooked up. The cash you save will pay for your Uber ride home!

At this year's Summit, you can sample over 100 tasty beers, lagers, ales, ciders and micro-brews. Enjoy plenty of food, fun, games and live music from Big Mojo. The Cedar Rapid Beer Summit is the place to be, this Saturday, March 11th!

I'm in charge of handing out the glasses this year. How hard can that be? Stop by, say hello, and let's all enjoy some AMAZING craft brews this weekend!

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