Drivers beware! Cedar Rapids has a deer population that is very comfortable living in the city limits.

I live in the vicinity of 34th St. and Bever Ave. on the SE side of Cedar Rapids. This weekend, the neighbors were all out doing chores, raking leaves and enjoying the sunshine of a beautiful November weekend.

Leaving for the radio station early in the morning it is not uncommon for me to see several deer in the vicinity out and about, feeding early. But imagine my surprise watching this young fawn causally dining during the middle of the day.

Not a care in the world.   No jubilant Chicago Cubs  World Series celebration hangover.  No pre-election day jitters, worries or concerns.  A much needed reminder for me to relax.  To do my best in living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time.

Another example of why I love Cedar Rapids, I love Iowa, and I love the United States of America.

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