"I will stop
I will stop at nothing
Say the right things
When electioneering
I trust I can rely on your vote"

Radiohead "Electioneering"

If you can trust anyone with your vote, the polls close at 9 p.m. tonight. Since "None Of The Above" is not an option, many will stay home. I always make the long walk to my polling place - partially out of civic duty and partially in celebration of the end of the maddening attack ad cycle. But wait - Caucus 2016 is right around the corner!

Sure, I have my opinion on who the better candidate is, but when 8% of Americans think our politicians are doing a good job, we have a bigger issue. "Toss 'Em All Out" may not work. What if we don't have enough people who want to be replacements?

I'm Greggolio Sharkolio and I approved this blog. Even though it's full of dirty, SuperPAC funds.

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