Holy cow crap! This is great! We always knew there were plenty of cow pies in Iowa and surrounding states. And, we knew these mass-producing milk machines were good at farting and messing with the atmosphere. Now, their shat piles are being put to road-worthy use!

You had to wonder how vehicles powered by doo-doo would do out on the open road. This bus powered by Biomethane looks fast enough.

All of this cow chatting makes me think of my favorite spring and fall steer: The KRNA Cash Cow. This cow gives you a chance to win $1000 twice a day and a krna.com $10,000 payout for another 3 days. And, maybe it's poo pile will someday be turned into fuel for a vehicle here in Eastern Iowa. Double bonus. Here's to you, Bessie. #1 in the #2 business.

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